An anti-corruption drive led by Disha, a Gandhian social organization leads to the resignation of Krishnan Nambiar (Biju Pappan), a state minister. Susan Mary Thomas (Padmapriya Janakiraman), an upcoming English novelist is the main brain behind Disha, who also is involved in several woman empowerment programs. Just after his resignation, Krishnan Nambiar is found brutally murdered at a private tennis court. The chief Minister (Kollam Thulasi) assigns Appan Menon (Suresh Gopi), the investigation charge.
as Dr. Appan Menon / Vishwanatha Menon
as Vaiga
as Susan Mary Thomas
as Durgadasan
as Alexander Mekkadan
as Dr. Srinivasa Iyengar
as Koshy Abraham Koshy
as Raman Naik
as Chief Minister
as Mary Thomas
as Krishnan Nambiar
as Kurian Varghese