Charled Dicken's tale A Christmas Carol takes a contemporary jolt in this original musical set in modern-day Tennessee. Cyrus Flint is a mean old banker whose one and only concern is the welfare of Flint City Bank. Dennis and Laura Pritchett are two parents struggling to make enough money to pay for an operation their son needs. Flint is organizing a songwriting and singing contest with a $2000 first prize to promote his bank.
as Cyrus Flint
as Laura Pritchett
as Dennis Pritchett
as Roger
as Joan
as Ghost of Jacob Burley
as Emmy
as The Ghost of Christmas Past
as The Flint City Four
as The Ghost of Christmas Present
as Annabelle Williams
as T.J.
as Mr. Abbey
as Mrs. Abbey
as Stanley Gershen
as Announcer (voice)
as The Pawnbroker
as Christmas Yet to Come
as Sarah