Raja Rajendra is a 2015 Kannada comedy film written and directed by Pon Kumaran. It stars Sharan, Ishita Dutta, Vimala Raman and P. Ravi Shankar in the stellar roles. The film marks the reunion of director Kumaran and actor Sharan after their previous venture, Jai Lalitha. Produced by Uday K. Mehta, the film released on 6 February 2015 The story revolves around Bottle Mani (Sharan), a lame duck, who takes a supari to kill Neelakanta Raju (Ramakrishna), an elderly person from a royal family. He's been assigned the job by none other than the old man's three sons-in-law, who want to grab his property. Mani is assisted by his uncle (Tabla Nani) but he faces a lot of problems in the palace as the family is huge. He misses a couple of chances to kill Raju. There's a twist in the tale when the real Bottle Mani (Ravishankar) walks out of jail only to find that a fraud has usurped his identity and entered the palace. Henceforth, it's only chaos that reigns supreme.
as Mani / Bottle Mani
as Swathi
as Neelakanta Raju
as Bottle Mani
as Neelakanta Raju's Childhood Friend
as Neelakanta Raju's third son-in-law
as Raja Rajendra's wife
as Mani's Friend
as Swathi's Father
as Inspector Indrajith
as Black Magician
as Muni