Henri Serin (Jean-Pierre Marielle), an umbrella salesman, leads a quiet life between his work, his family and his passion for painting. During his many business trips, Henri indulges in a few amorous escapades, which provide a welcome change from the tiresome daily routine his bigoted wife locks him into. One fine day, Henri decides to drop everything and live on love and fresh water. He ends up in Pont-Aven, where he meets Émile, a local painter imitating Gauguin, with whom he shares his drinking and other feminine attractions.
as Henri Serin, représentant en parapluie et peintre
as Le pèlerin / Le colporteur
as Marie, femme de chambre
as Angela, jeune femme frivole Québécoise
as Le curé
as Mme Licquois, la cliente au portrait
as Émile, le peintre professionel
as La sœur du pélerin / colporteur
as Mme Serin, la femme d'Henri
as Marchande de la première boutique
as Marie Pape, prostituée en costume breton
as Ida, une serveuse
as Le commerçant obséquieux du magasin « Nathalie »
as Un peintre de Pont-Aven
as Une commerçante
as Le garagiste
as L'homme à la voiture récente
as La serveuse
as L'hôtelière
as Le représentant de commerce
as Le taré
as La fille nue
as Le patron du bistrot à Pont-Aven
as Le patron du bistrot café village
as La mère Cadic