Randam Bhavam is a 2001 Malayalam film directed by Lal Jose, written by Ranjan Pramod. It stars Suresh Gopi in dual role along with Biju Menon, Thilakan, Poornima Mohan, Lena, Narendra Prasad, Lal (actor) and Srividya.
as Navneet Krishnan / Anantha Krishnan
as Akhila
as Govindji
as Jeevan
as Mohammad Ibrahim
as Manikutty
as Manikutty's Father
as Kishan and Ananthu's father
as Kishan and Ananthu's mother
as Govindji's lawyer
as Akhila's mother
as Kurup
as Shetty
as Easwaran Potty
as Pushpangadan
as D. I. G. of Police