A heartwarming and crowd-pleasing coming-of-age comedy with a unique spin, Morris from America centers on Morris Gentry, a 13-year-old who has just relocated with his single father, Curtis. to Heidelberg, Germany. Morris, who fancies himself the next Notorious B.I.G., is a complete fish-out-of-water—a budding hip-hop star in an EDM world. To complicate matters further, Morris quickly falls hard for his cool, rebellious, 15-year-old classmate Katrin. Morris sets out against all odds to take the hip-hop world by storm and win the girl of his dreams.
as Morris Gentry
as Curtis Gentry
as Katrin
as Inka Meinert
as Per
as Bastian
as Katrin's Mother
as Sven
as Rainer
as Birgit
as Nadine
as Alex
as Jakob
as Ballet Dancer
as Ballet Dancer
as Ballet Dancer
as Industrial Party Girl
as Gotta Pee Real Bad Guy
as Youth Centre Adult
as Phone Sex Operator
as Phone Sex Woman
as Franz
as Chad Valley
as Olaf
as Lukas