Small town America, 1945. The boys are coming home, as is Clarence Laidlaw who served overseas in lieu of serving time in prison. Chaos and confusion greet Clarence upon his return - his pre-war moonshine activities and absence have embittered his teenage son, split apart his family, and alienated the small town. Moreover, his conniving sister-in-law conspires with the crooked sheriff to prevent a family reconciliation. In attempting to stabilize his family, and in seeking to punish the conspirator who brought him before the law, Clarence almost destroys both the town and his family. But sanity, love and music conquer all, and family and town are reunited.
as Clarence Laidlaw
as Zelma Putnam
as Sheriff Lewis Clark
as Uncle Cocklin
as Isaac
as Elmer Sinclair
as Hazel Laidlaw
as Betty
as Violet
as Everett Laidlaw
as Judy
as Gordy
as Captain Page
as Little Boy
as Melissa Sue
as Bus Driver
as Dot
as Mother on Bus
as Max
as Suzy
as Captain Ralph Dodge
as Garfield
as Woman with Baby
as Judy's Mother
as Sam
as Marine
as Norma
as Wino
as Doris
as Lloyd-Baker
as Mrs. Garfield
as Snook
as Rose