In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. When he finds out the wife of the man he accidentally killed is in trouble, Boyka offers to fight in a series of impossible battles to free her from a life of servitude.
as Yuri Boyka
as Alma
as Zourab
as Slava
as Koshmar
as Igor Kazmir
as Kiril
as Dominik
as Warden
as Priest
as Koychev
as Guard
as Scout #1
as Scout #2
as Viktor
as Ozerov Brother #1
as Ozerov Brother #2
as Tall Soldier
as EMT
as Russian Priest
as Prison Referee
as Large Fighter
as Church Choir
as Church Choir
as Church Choir
as Church Choir
as Boris Tarsov
as Club Referee
as Fighter #1
as Opponent
as Local Fighter
as Zourab's Guard #1
as Zourab's Guard #2
as Bouncer #1
as Bouncer #2
as Doorman #1
as Doorman #2
as Female Guest
as Spectator (uncredited)