Lisa: A 25 years old pretty girl. She lives alone and works at the magazine Cosmopolitan. She is disappointed by the relations with men. She has a relation with a guy called Giannis, who is not that interested in her. Until one day, when she meets Paris ...
as Λίζα
as Κλαίρη
as Πάρις
as Γιάννης
as Ιωάννα
as Βαγγέλης
as Άντζελα
as χαρτού
as παππούς
as γιαγιά
as επιβάτης
as ρέιβερ
as Εζμεράλδα
as πατέρας Λίζας
as ταξιτζού
as διευθύντρια
as νεαρή επιβάτης
as Πέτρος
as ταριχευτής
as γαλακτοκόμος
as γαμπρός
as αστυνομικός
as παρουσιάστρια