Edit, who became the wife of a politician out of a simple peasant girl, suddenly becomes a widow as a result of an accident. She never loved her husband. She lives a wealthy and lonely life amidst false friends, facing one of the last alternatives of her life, i.e. having to face her past in the hope of an independent new beginning.
as Balassáné - Edit
as Kati
as Balassa István
as Margit néni
as Bözsi
as Manci
as öregasszony (as özv. Jakab Gáborné)
as Gyuszi
as Apor igazgató
as Markánsarcú
as Balassa Gáspár (as Jancsó Gáspár)
as (as Muharay Katalin)
as (as Horváth Károly)
as Edit barátnõje
as Edit barátnõje
as Edit barátnõje
as Balassa barátja
as Balassa barátja
as Szõlõsgazda
as Balassa barátja