Set in Paris in 1919, biopic centers on the life of late Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani, focusing on his last days as well as his rivalry with Pablo Picasso. Modigliani, a Jew, has fallen in love with Jeanne, a young and beautiful Catholic girl. The couple has an illegitimate child, and Jeanne's bigoted parents send the baby to a faraway convent to be raised by nuns.
as Amedeo Modigliani
as Jeanne Hébuterne
as Pablo Picasso
as Maurice Utrillo
as Olga Picasso
as Gertrude Stein
as Max Jacob
as Beatrice Hastings
as Jean Cocteau
as Achilles Hebuterne
as Zborowski
as Soutine
as Diego Rivera
as Moise Kisling
as Little Dedo
as Eudoxie Hébuterne