This documentary follows superstar Bret Hart during his last year in the WWF. The film documents the tensions that resulted in The Montreal Screwjob, one of the most controversial events in the history of professional wrestling, in which Vince McMahon, Shawn Micheals, and others, legitimately conspired behind the scenes to go against the script and remove Bret Hart as champion.
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Shawn Michaels
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Sunny
as Self
as Self
as The Undertaker
as Self (archive footage)
as Self
as The Honky Tonk Man
as Self
as Self
as Road Warrior Hawk
as Road Warrior Animal
as The Patriot
as Gorilla Monsoon (archive footage)
as Earl Hebner
as Ravishing Rick Rude (archive footage)
as Self
as Headbanger Thrasher
as Goldust
as Vader
as Pat Patterson
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self (archive footage)
as Diesel (archive footage)
as Razor Ramon (archive footage)
as Lex Luger (archive footage)
as Macho Man Randy Savage (archive footage)
as The 1-2-3 Kid (archive footage)
as Rowdy Roddy Piper (archive footage)
as Triple H
as Bob 'Spark Plugg' Holly (archive footage)
as Dok Hendrix
as Self (archive footage)
as Henry O. Godwinn
as Self
as Self
as Chainz
as Self (archive footage)
as Self (archive footage)
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Savio Vega
as David Hart Smith
as Self (archive footage)
as Headbanger Mosh
as Sable (archive footage) (uncredited)
as Self (uncredited)
as Angry Wrestling Fan (uncredited)
as Wrestling Fan (uncredited)