The year is 1760: it is the time of the Seven Years' War and the advancing Russian army has taken captive 100 underage Prussian cadets. The kids are mishandled by the raping and pillaging Russians, but with the help of a Rittmeister now in the service of the Tsar, they succeed in getting away. They hole up in a deserted fort and eventually sally forward to take back their military academy from the bloodthirsty, pillaging Cossacks.
as Rittmeister von Tzülow
as Sophie
as Oberst Goroschew
as Hauptmann Jupow
as General Graf Tschernitschew
as Feldwebel Schönbrunn
as General von Buddenbrock
as Ingenieur Major
as Russische Sängerin
as Kadett Bork
as Kadett Hohenhausen
as Kadett Schack
as Kadett Potron
as Kadett Lampe
as Kadett Jordan