Meet Albert, The Magic Pudding, Bunyip Bluegum, a splendid young koala and his seafaring friends Bill Barnacle and Sam Sawnoff. Together they fight off the bungled attempts of pudding thieves, Possum and Wombat, and try to solve the mystery of Bunyip's parents' disappearance.
as Sam Sawnoff (voice)
as Bill Barnacle (voice)
as Albert the Magic Pudding (voice)
as Bunyip Bluegum (voice)
as Uncle Wattleberry / Possum (voice)
as Rumpus Bumpus (voice)
as Watkin Wombat (voice)
as Benjamin Brandysnap (voice)
as Bandicoot (voice)
as Henrietta Hedgehog (voice)
as Buncle (voice)
as Ginger (voice)
as Frog on the Log (voice)
as Meg Bluegum (voice)
as Tom Bluegum (voice)
as Parrot (voice)
as Dobson Dorking (voice)
as Additional Voices (voice)
as Additional Voices (voice)
as Voice Guide Tracks (voice)
as Voice Guide Tracks (voice)