The Little Man lives happily in his little house in the Hollow Mountain. His peaceful life ends once he begins to have dreams about a mysterious house where he is to find what he desires. Even though he does not feel like having any desires, he crack the mystery himself.
as Malý pán
as Drzý zmetek
as larva Fída
as Promodral
as Muří noha
as Prázdná hlava
as Bádavci
as Kapitán Beefheart
as Rybabice
as Datel
as Mistr Drobný
as Velká tíseň
as Knihomolov
as Mechanický datel
as Bádavci
as Bádavci
as Bádavci
as Dřevokožec, Šišatec, Bádavci
as Odpovědník
as Vrátný
as Stařec
as Sousedka
as Tatínek
as Maminka
as Petardář