A rebellious teenager, future Beatle John Lennon lives with his Aunt Mimi in working-class mid-1950s Liverpool, England. Mimi's husband suddenly dies, and John spies his mother Julia at the funeral. Despite Mimi's misgivings, John intends to have a real relationship with his mother. Julia introduces him to popular music and the banjo and, though a family conflict looms, young John is inspired to form his own band.
as John Lennon
as Julia Lennon
as Mimi Smith
as George Toogood Smith
as Bobby Dykins
as Paul McCartney
as Pete Shotton
as Maria Kennedy
as Michael Fishwick
as Stan Parkes
as Rod Davis
as Eric Griffiths
as George Harrison
as Alf Lennon
as Corrine, Marie's Friend
as Pobjoy, headmaster
as Cunard Yank
as Percy Phillips
as Colin Hanton
as Len
as Nigel
as Ivan
as Teacher
as Reverend
as Schoolmistress
as Guitar Shop Guy
as Cafe Waitress
as Julia - aged 8
as Postman