Vincent, a former air rifle champion lives a quiet life with his wife and his daughter. Despite his happy family life he ends up with economic problems. One day at the shooting range he meets the mysterious Renaud who promises him a solution to his problems by offering him an unusual job. Suddenly Vincent finds himself in a very dangerous spiral which turns out to be even harder to get out of than finding a solution to his economic problems.
as Vincent Cavelle
as Delphine Cavelle
as Armand Cavelle
as Renaud
as JP
as Alexia Cavelle
as Valérie
as Evelyne
as Le voisin d'Armand
as Ours
as Le Turc
as Le tueur
as Michel le marrant
as Le moustachu
as Philippe
as Le tireur de carabine de tir sportif
as Ouvrier chantier