This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their circumstances are, each of them—the homeless father and son envisioning their dream house; the young woman abused by her uncle; the boy who imagines himself a trolley conductor—finds reasons to carry on.
as Roku-Chan
as Okuni
as Taro Sawagami
as Ryotaro Sawagami
as Misao Sawagami
as Yukichi Shima
as Mrs. Shima
as Mr. Ikawa
as Mr. Matsui
as Mr. Nomoto
as Hatsutaro Kawaguchi
as Yoshie Kawaguchi
as Masuo Masuda
as Tatsu Masuda
as Kyota Watanaka
as Otane Watanaka
as Katsuko Watanaka
as Okabe
as Hei
as Ochô
as Beggar
as Beggar's Son
as Good-Looking Housewife
as Detective
as Policeman
as Painter
as Restaurant proprietress
as Waitress
as Western-style restaurant owner
as Sushi Shop Proprietor
as Foodstand owner
as Kichi the Carpenter Bee
as Mr. Sô
as Mr. Tanba
as Suicidal Old Man
as Thief
as Kichi's Wife
as 2nd Wife
as 3rd Wife
as 5th Wife
as 4th Wife
as 1st Wife
as 1st Man Calling Out
as 3rd Man Calling Out
as 5th Man Calling Out
as 4th Man Calling Out
as 2nd Man Calling Out