This film is an adaptation of the novel written by Indi. The story begin when Indi (Velove Vexia), who suffered from scoliosis, her activities became increasingly limited. After being told that she is no longer allowed to participate in sports activities, Indi became even more so quiet. Everything changed when she met Mika (Vino G. Bastian). Indi's spirit start growing. She became more willing to overcome her illness. Mika, who has an optimistic view of life, successfully make Indi to be cheerful once more. In fact, Mika himself has AIDS.
as Mika
as Indi
as Indi's Father
as Indi's Mother
as Mika's Mother
as Dian
as Viona
as Fred
as Gerry
as Cliffton
as Rico
as Angga
as Uwak Ina
as Uwak Ai
as Mika's Grandmother
as dr. Hadi
as Dentist
as Headmaster
as Physical Education Teacher
as History Teacher
as Vocalist
as Viona's Friends 1
as Gerry's Friends 1
as Gerry's Friends 2
as Ninin
as Galis
as Indi's Cousin
as Cashier
as Costumer 1 at CD Store
as Costumer 2 at CD Store
as Lecturer
as Ice Cream Boy
as Costumer 1 at The Ice Cream Kiosk
as Costumer 2 at The Ice Cream Kiosk