A comedy narrating the adventures of ten Puerto Ricans looking for a better life. The film centers on an airplane trip to New York during 1960's. It relates in a comical, yet poignant manner, the array of reasons each of the passengers has for leaving Puerto Rico and the challenges they face as suggested by the interactions of the Anglo crew and the passengers.
as Faustino Román
as Mateo
as Dominga
as Bob "Berto" Barker
as Carmen
as Mariana
as Gulderia
as Padre Gautier
as Miguelina
as Ernesto
as Passenger visiting NY for the first time
as Lcdo. Aguayo
as Sandalia Serrano
as Orlando Colón
as Mirabal (taxi driver)
as Pilar Marrero
as Mary Powell
as Katy Molson
as Don Tiburcio
as Boy (segment "La maroma")
as Santa Claus