Othman, a fisherman, finds a baby inside a floating basket while fishing, so he takes him, raises him and teaches him fishing. Othman gets arrested for fishing in a protected area, but the prince's daughter intervenes to exempt him. A genie than appears to Othman and tells him the story of his adopted son Morgan.
as عثمان عبدالباسط
as الأميرة مديحة أنس الملوك
as المستشار الأول
as الأمير بهاء الدين حلم الملوك / مرجان
as صبى عثمان عبدالباسط
as زليخة
as شهرزاد
as الامير
as أم بهاء الدين
as حلم الملوك
as أنس الملوك
as الخطيب
as لادن بن طنجر المزيف
as الحاجب
as رئيسة حريم السلطان
as زوجة عثمان عبدالباسط