In the 1960s, the lives of three college classmates, Ismail, Zainab, and Helmy, take a dark turn when the three of them are arrested and tortured as part of the repressive and violent practices that were employed by the General Intelligence Directorate back then.
as Zeinab
as Ismail El Sheikh
as Khaled Safwan
as Diab
as Oronfella
as Shoukry
as Author Taha El Gharib
as Helmy
as Zeinab's Mother
as Hesballah
as Detective
as El-Sisi
as Ismail's Mother
as Mohsen
as Hamada Abdel Gawad
as Waiter
as Detainee
as Detainee
as Detainee
as Taha's Friend
as Shoe shiner
as Doctor
as Investigator
as Taha's Friend