Sergeant Grimshawe wants to retire in the flush of success by winning the Star Squad prize with his very last platoon of newly called-up National Servicemen. But a motley bunch they turn out to be, and it's up to Grimshawe to put the no-hopers through their paces.
as Sergeant Grimshawe
as Charlie Sage
as Mary Sage
as Captain Potts
as Norah
as Corporal Bill Copping
as Peter Golightly
as Horace Strong
as James Bailey
as Miles Heywood
as Herbert Brown
as Andy Calloway
as Captain Clark
as Gun Sergeant
as Fifth Specialist
as First Specialist
as Sgt Paddy O'Brien
as Fifth Storesman
as Injured Recruit
as First Recruit
as Sgt. Russell
as Sixth Specialist
as Second Specialist
as Medical Corporal
as Third Specialist
as Stores Sergeant
as Fourth Specialist
as First Storesman
as Second Storesman
as Sheila
as Eighth Recruit
as Ninth Recruit
as Third Recruit
as Fourth Recruit
as Sixth Recruit
as Recruit
as Seventh Recruit
as Fourth Storesman
as Third Storesman
as Sergeant Matthews
as Sixth Storesman
as Seventh Storesman
as Second Recruit
as Tenth Recruit
as Eleventh Recruit
as Fifth Recruit
as Twelfth Recruit
as Fourteenth Recruit