A new, independently produced, LGBT series that focuses on the lives of several high school characters, facing the realities of teenagers today. Fabulous High incorporates LGBT themes, stories, and characters; however, the series also focuses on hot societal issues and topics. The fast paced and quick witted series, follows the characters' personal struggles with identity, acceptance, relationships, and well… high school.
as Ryan Woodson
as Jesse Avila
as Brooke Lee
as Cade
as Dr. Tony Weaver
as Elly
as Kelly
as Stacy
as Anita
as Lalo
as Phil
as Scott
as Austin
as Jimmy
as Clara
as Neil
as Maggie Woodson
as Jesse's Grandmother
as Ms. Kat Matsen
as Police Officer #2
as Charlie
as Principal Doug Adams
as Lalo's mom
as Bully