Political double-talk, dirty tricks, hidden microphones, spy satellites, bugging the Oval Office and a nuclear bomb for sale are all ingredients in this swift, funny and frightening look at the possibilities in today's political arenas. Sean Connery stars as TV Newsman Patrick Hale on an international chase to track two suitcase sized nuclear weapons and to uncover the twisting maze of apparent involvement of US Government agencies.
as Patrick Hale
as President Lockwood
as General Wombat
as Sally Blake
as Philindros
as Homer Hubbard
as Rafeeq
as Mallory
as Harvey
as Mrs. Ford
as Helmut Unger
as Hacker
as King Awad
as Erika
as Abu
as Suzy
as Mike
as John Brown
as Billy Bob Harper
as Housewife
as Young Girl
as Warehouse Guard
as Gunman
as Secretary of Defense
as Prof. Faheem