Agatha Slatineanu, together with the alleged banker Troianoff, rob the boyar Valcu of a treasure collected in order to buy the throne. However, the gold is recovered by Margelatu for the benefit of the "Brotherhood".
as Mărgelatu
as Agatha Slătineanu
as Serge Troianoff
as Buză de Iepure
as domnitorul Gheorghe Bibescu
as Aristide
as Aga Villara
as lt. Deivos
as „profesorul” Aurică
as boierul Teodosie Vâlcu
as boierul Hargot
as Oseacă
as Ion Heliade-Rădulescu
as Fuad
as Maria, bucătăreasa boierului Vâlcu
as Aspasia Șuțu, sora Agathei
as țiganca
as Casapu
as Cezar Bolliac
as epilepticul