In this drama, an American art student is trapped amidst the political turmoil of war-torn Europe while visiting Paris and staying at the fabulous Ritz hotel. Rather than cope constructively with it all, the fellow opts to ignore it and continue living the high-life for as long as possible.
as Philip Weber
as Hermann Goering
as Madame Rochaise
as Coco Chanel
as Charlie Ritz
as Man Ray
as Lily Globuska
as Armand Forrestieur
as Martine Fauvet
as Colonel Stupelmeyer
as Ilse Falk
as Joseph Goebbels
as Von Behr
as Edith Piaf
as Kropp
as Louis Delor
as Major Ritter
as Henri Bretonne
as Karl
as Fuerbach
as Auxerre
as Goebbel's Mistress
as Heinrich Himmler
as Lohse
as Major Lindt
as Pierre Monet
as Delocque
as Denise
as Uncle Gerard
as Claire
as Heller
as Mylos
as Clock Shop Man
as Victor