Earl Williams is a dreamer teenager obsessed with monsters, who fantasizes his life as if he were living in the world of the monsters of Universal Studios. Although being an excellent student, his intolerant and nasty school teacher Mrs. Perdue does not like him and punishes him for any minor fault. His supportive father Les Williams is also a dreamer, who has never been successful in life. When his father dies, his mother becomes lost with two boys, and tries to change the behavior of Earl. One day, the boy finds the "true Frankenstein" lost by a Carnival, and decides to bring the monster back to life.
as Earl Williams
as Larry Williams
as Elizabeth (Earl's fantasy girl)
as Mrs. Perdue
as Judy Williams
as Les Williams
as Kenny
as Karen
as Billy
as Suzie
as Deputy Gonzalez
as Aileen Russo
as Doctor
as Clean cut boy
as Ticket seller
as Carl
as Klemensen
as Stan
as Dracula
as Vampire
as Vampire
as Nurse Hines
as Nurse Tilko
as Judge Ewing