The true story of how Ray Kroc, a salesman from Illinois, met Mac and Dick McDonald, who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. He maneuvered himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a billion-dollar empire.
as Ray Kroc
as Dick McDonald
as Mac McDonald
as Joan Smith
as Harry J. Sonneborn
as Ethel Kroc
as Fred Turner
as June Martino
as Rollie Smith
as Jim Zien
as Jerry Cullen
as Jack Horford
as Leonard Rosenblatt
as Myra Rosenblatt
as Owner (Ed's Drive-In)
as Car Hop Girl (Ed's Drive-In)
as Dennis
as Car Hop Girl (Joe's Drive-In)
as Employee (San Bernadino)
as Woman (San Bernadino)
as Loan Officer #1
as Loan Officer #2
as Harvey Peltz
as Mrs. Horford
as Mrs. Cullen
as Art Wolodarsky
as Kroc Corporate Lawyer
as Cheerleader #1
as Cheerleader #2
as Cheerleader #3
as Cheerleader #4
as Photographer
as Kroc Divorce Lawyer
as Doctor Reeves
as Will Davis (LA Times Reporter)
as Mother (San Bernadino)
as Little Boy
as Customer (Schaumburg)
as Grand Opening Customer
as Bingo Caller
as Gorgeous Blonde
as Owner (Joe's Drive-In)
as Female Passenger
as Dr. Nelson
as McDonald's Announcer (voice)
as Limo Driver (uncredited)
as Mr. Merriman (uncredited)