The family-romance comedy film brings the story of Juan (Dolphy), a beloved businessman in his provincial town known for his countless acts of generosity to others. His heart of gold also caught the attention of the town’s seamstress, Akang (Charo), as he becomes her secret admirer—constantly giving her gifts to show his affection which always ends up in silly mishaps.
as Juan
as Akang
as Teban
as Uncle Louie
as Ambo
as Janice
as Nita
as Andy
as Marie
as Bombet
as Baldo
as Billy
as Delay
as Chiririt
as Candy
as The Director
as The Policeman
as The Holdup Man
as The Maid
as The Maid
as The Rotarian
as The Rotarian
as The Rotarian
as The Friend
as The Friend
as The Friend
as The Friend
as Girl at Christmas Tree
as Girl behind Sofa
as Girl in the Garden
as Bikini Models
as Ricky
as Lolly