In this blockbuster film from Mexico, live action, animation, fast-paced thrills and humor all combine in an irresistible tale the entire family will enjoy. The story revolves around lovable guardian angel Serafin who leads a group of youngsters in search of a magic star that will save a friend. Along the way, the young heroes learn that courage, loyalty and kindness can overpower even the darkest enemies. Join the quest and share each glorious moment!
as Elisa
as Pepe
as Lucio
as Roque
as Don Baúl (voice)
as Cachito
as Tomás
as Edy
as Pancho
as Flama
as Cocó (voice)
as Serafín (voice)
as Tacho (voice)
as Thinker (voice)
as Krako (voice)
as Libro (voice)
as Pomín (voice)
as Ojito (voice)
as Petalita (voice)
as Azucena (voice)
as Lindaflor (voice)
as Pepillo (voice)
as Horacín (voice)