It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in their hands. The province of Roman Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of rebellion and control. And on this greater canvas Luke, narrates a story of wonder, amazement and impact... The world is anticipating this moment in history but no one can imagine God touching His creation in the form of a little baby named Jesus. Much is recorded in the Gospels about Jesus' miraculous birth, to a young virgin named Mary, in Bethlehem, but little is known about his quiet growing up in Nazareth. Joseph, his adopted father, seems to have died well before Jesus turns 30 and begins his ministry.
as Zadok the priest
as Elizabeth
as Luke / Narrator
as Judas Iscariot
as Jesus
as Samaritan Woman
as Pilate
as Simon the Priest
as Zacharia, John Father
as Herodias
as Caiaphas
as Mary Mother of Jesus
as Peter
as Mary Magdalene
as Thief On The Cross #1
as John The Baptist
as Nicodemus
as Teacher Of The Law
as Simon The Pharisee
as Joseph Of Arimathea
as Annas
as Joseph, Father of Jesus
as Demoniac
as Rabbi At John Circumces
as Blindfold Guard
as John
as Andrew
as James
as Widow From Nain
as Salome
as Roman Soldier
as Pilate's Wife Messenger
as Roman soldier
as Paralytic
as Shepherd Beit Lahem
as Shepherd Beit Lahem
as Shepherd (Musician)
as Shepherd (Musician)
as Levite
as Rich Man
as Malchus
as Centurion
as Servent
as Rabbi At Jesus Circumcision
as Jesus the Baby
as Jesus the Kid
as Janus
as Canaan
as Phillip
as Bartholomew
as Matthew
as Thomas
as James the Son of Alpheus
as Simon the Zilot
as Judas the son James
as A Young Man Resurrected
as Joanna
as Slave Girl
as Slave Man at Torturing Area
as Malchus' Cousin
as Barabbas
as Roman Legion Soldier #1
as Man at Gate
as Simon of Cyrene
as Thief on The Cross #2
as Mary the Woman, Mother of Jacob's
as Disciple (as Ishaq Elias)
as Woman in the crowd
as Caiaphas
as Simon of Cyrene
as Greek
as Herod - Devil