Teenager Kazuki Miyaichi has always felt unloved by her mother due the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she harbors anxiety and perceives herself as being worthless to others, she engages in acts of juvenile delinquency. One day, a transfer student from Yokohama named Eri introduces her to Hiroshi Haruyama, a reckless youth who’s a member of the “Nights” motorcycle gang. Kazuki finds herself increasingly drawn to Hiroshi over time, but he soon becomes leader of the Nights and gets caught up in a conflict with a rival gang.
as Kazuki Miyaichi
as Hiroshi Haruyama
as Kazuki's Mother
as Suzuki
as Toru Tamami
as Eri
as Rina Ohta
as Takatsu
as Richard
as Kinpa
as Kazuki's Teacher
as Doctor
as Hiroshi's Mother
as Nagayama
as Akane
as Haruyama Tsuyoshi