"Vanity Fair" is a historical drama, based on the classic English novel written by William Thackeray, featuring Shirley Mason. Shirley Mason was 15 y.o. and played the role of the young Becky Sharp. Directors obviously took notice of her performance, because in 1917 she appeared in 17 feature films, in many of them playing the star role.
as Becky Sharp
as Becky Sharp - as a child
as Rakedell Sharp
as Amelia Sedley
as Joseph Sedley
as George Osborne
as Mr. Osborne
as Captain William Dobbin
as Rawdon Crawley
as Lord Steyne
as George Sedley Osborne
as Lady Steyne
as Napoleon
as Major O'Dowd
as Pitt Crawley
as Miss Pinkerton
as Mrs. Sedley
as Miss Jemima Pinkerton
as Mr. Sedley
as Lady Crawley
as Martha Crawley
as Miss Swartz
as Duke of Wellington
as Mrs. O'Dowd
as Rawdon Crawley, Jr.
as Lord Crawley