In the future, the threat of global takeover by cyborg units has forced Earth to outlaw their use. But when four female androids are smuggled to Earth, Jack Ford is assigned to track them down. An adventurous chase takes him from the mean streets of Phoenix to the depths of New Angeles, an underwater city, and into the diabolical clutches of a maniacal kingpin and his criminal army.
as Jack Ford
as Hawke
as Beth Enright
as Charles Humberstone
as Walsh
as Mr. Reginald
as Chew'Bah
as Bartender
as Kitten
as Moria
as Thug #1
as Hathaway
as Bum #1
as Plant Worker
as Pleasure Droid #3
as Fighter Pilot #1
as Fighter Pilot #2
as Captive Dancer
as Runaway Wife
as Killer Droid
as Pleasure Droid #1
as Pleasure Droid #2