Futuristic prospective series pilot, a distant cousin the 1975 theatrical violent sport movie "Rollerball," revolves around a turn-of-the-millennium family on the Great Eve (the night before the year 2000 begins) planning for a reunion. Son Richard Beymer is an inventor working with prosthetic devices to help young athlete brother Drake Hogestyn perfect his game of combat hockey to maintain his skills as a national hero, and Cristina Raines is a socially conscious doctor who wants nothing to do with their prideful father, Bert Remsen, to the distress of their loving mother, Priscilla Pointer.
as Allan Breed
as Bel Breed
as Kate Mendez Breed
as Jack Breed
as Ellen Breed
as Roma Breed
as Tom Breed
as Teri Tanaka
as Raymond Wilkes
as Pal
as Graff
as George Link
as Clara
as Rick Tolmer
as Catt
as Scrad
as Edna
as Mark Stein
as Ann
as Henderson
as Gila
as John
as Gang Boy
as Taxi Driver
as Spanish Man
as Spanish Woman
as Dr. Obgyn