Poet Cruz e Souza was a black man, born in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, where the majority of the population are blonde. He was also poor and fell a prey to the racism of his time. Died young, at 37, and dragged the great love of his life, Gavíria, into a path of great suffering.
as Cruz e Sousa
as Gavita
as Pedra Antióquia
as Mãe de Cruz e Sousa
as Nestor Vitor
as Mulher Nua / Mãe da Pianista
as Virgílio Várzea
as Julieta dos Santos
as Araújo Figueiredo
as Oscar Rosas
as Tibúrcio de Freitas
as Maurício Jubim
as Menina pianista
as Menina violinista
as Pai de Cruz e Sousa