In 1930s Berlin, a woman’s life unravels as her unemployed husband succumbs to Nazi propaganda and joins the Storm Troopers, while her brother's anti-Nazi stance leads to his death, prompting her to confront her beliefs and make a risky choice.
as Liesbeth 'Lissy' Frohmeyer
as Alfred Frohmeyer
as Vater Schröder
as Paul Schröder
as Kaczmierczik
as Mutter Schröder
as Max Franke
as Toni Franke
as Sprecherin
as Warnke
as Frau Kaluweit
as Kassierer Gold
as Staudinger
as Frankes Nachbar
as Mixer
as Frohmeyers Hauswirt
as Geschäftsführer
as Junger SA-Mann
as Frohmeyers Kollege
as Direktor Hoppe
as Hausmeisterin Engelmann
as Nachbarin von Lissy