The new film by French director Cédric Kahn focusses on Philippe Fournier, a man who lives with his 2 sons, having decided not to give them back to their mother after she won custody of the children. The children Okyesa and Tsali must grow up in the shadow, hunted by the police but always free and on the move.
as Philippe Fournier (Paco)
as Carole Garcia (Nora)
as Tsali Fournier (9 ans)
as Okyesa Fournier (8 ans)
as Tsali Fournier (adolescent)
as Okyesa Fournier (adolescent)
as Céline
as Thomas (11 ans)
as Clara
as Gaspard
as Geneviève
as Le père de Nora
as La mère de Nora
as Clovis
as Dom
as La voisine en Normandie
as Herschelle
as Terry Lomas