Based on the experiences of Agu, a child fighting in the civil war of an unnamed, fictional West African country. Follows Agu's journey as he's forced to join a group of soldiers. While he fears his commander and many of the men around him, his fledgling childhood has been brutally shattered by the war raging through his country, and he is at first torn between conflicting revulsion and fascination.
as Agu
as Commandant
as Strika
as Sergeant Gaz
as Dike
as Father Friday
as Mother
as Father
as Angry Bush Taxi Driver
as 2nd I-C
as Supreme Commander Dada Goodblood
as Village Constable
as Paramount Chief
as Young Girl
as Ecomod 2nd Lieutenant
as Big Brother
as Pastor
as Old Witch Woman
as Grandfather
as BBC Host