"Baptists at Our Barbecue" is the comedic story of the small town of Longwinded, USA, a divided, feuding town of 262 Mormons and 262 Baptists. It's also a love story, about one man who will try anything to end the ridiculous feud, bring the town together, and keep the peace-loving girl of his dreams from leaving town.
as Tartan Jones
as Charity
as Bob
as Orvil
as Conroy Hatch
as Wynona Wingate
as Rich
as Willie
as Tartan's Mom
as Sister Lynn
as Fern
as Clark Bender
as Howard
as Ian Smith
as Sister North
as Sister Theo
as Sister Hatch
as Mr. Holden
as Pastor Stevens
as Loni
as Earl
as Brother Stolt
as Little Lehi
as Old Heber
as Woman In Distress
as Sharon
as Wendy Hatch
as Mrs. Holden
as Bronwyn Smith
as Alex Hatch
as Father
as Son
as Datenapping Woman
as Felicity's Mom / Felicity