The tragedy and comedy in Carlos' life begins, grows and ends like the tragedy and comedy of Portugal. In the company of his close friend, João da Ega, allegedly a brilliant writer, Carlos, with his idle existence as an aristocratic doctor, spends his time to enjoying friends and lovers. Until he falls in love. She is a new character in this revolutionary novel. It's a vertiginous passion that goes beyond that past gloominess to reach a new and darker abyss, incest.
as Carlos da Maia
as Maria Eduarda
as D. Maria Eduarda Runa
as Padre Gordo
as Maria Monforte
as D. Maria da Cunha
as Manuel Vilaça
as Afonso da Maia
as Condessa de Gouvarinho
as Senhora de Preto
as Craft
as Frei Eduardo
as Jovem Afonso da Maia
as Conde de Gouvarinho
as Velho Vilaça
as D. Diogo
as Miss Sarah
as João da Ega
as Palma
as Conde Steinbroken
as Marquês de Souselas
as Tomás de Alencar
as Jacob Cohen
as Dâmaso Salcede
as Melanie
as Baronesa de Alvim
as Pedro da Maia
as Raquel Cohen
as Criado Baptista
as Rosa