A present-day idyllic kingdom where the benevolent teenage son of King Adam and Queen Belle offers a chance of redemption for the troublemaking offspring of Disney's classic villains: Cruella De Vil (Carlos), Maleficent (Mal), the Evil Queen (Evie) and Jafar (Jay).
as Mal
as Evie
as Carlos
as Jay
as Ben
as Fairy Godmother
as Audrey
as Jane
as Doug
as Chad Charming
as Lonnie
as Beast
as Belle
as Maleficent
as Evil Queen
as Cruella de Vil
as Jafar
as Limo Driver
as Coach Jenkins
as Museum Guard
as Photographer
as Queen Leah
as Royal Tailor
as Snow White
as Mr. Deley
as Tourney Announcer
as Footman #1
as Dude the Dog
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Dancer and Chorus Performer
as Happy Student (uncredited)