After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns at a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of a psychic and parapsychologist, who discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. At Lake Mungo, Alice's secret past emerges.
as June Palmer
as Russell Palmer
as Mathew Palmer
as Alice Palmer
as Georgie Ritter
as Leith Ritter
as Iris Long
as Garret Long
as Jason Whittle
as Kim Whittle
as Sargent Drouin
as Funeral Director
as Funeral Director
as Genevieve Trudeau
as Frederick Rosskamp
as Dr. Kenin Slatter (as Dr. Phillip Boltin)
as Steve Wilkie
as Clive Roy Best
as Bob Smeet
as Helen Bath
as Ray Kemeny
as Annie
as Cathy Withers
as Douglas Withers (as Michael Robinson)
as Marissa Toohey
as Brett Toohey
as Kylie Connor
as Kate Hepnell
as Meredith Grbic
as Police Diver
as Police Diver
as Police Diver
as Police Diver
as Alice Double
as Girl In Cinema
as Emergency Call Operator (as Roberto Salvatore)
as Richard Brooks
as Nadia
as Buttons