An epic, untold story that brings to life the inspiring saga of the World Cup and the three determined men who created it. Driven by their vision and passion, three men, overcame their doubts and fought obstacles and scandals to make the World Cup a reality. Spanning the tumultuous 20th Century, this timeless saga celebrates the event that became the most popular sporting event in the world.
as Joao Havelange
as Jules Rimet
as Sepp Blatter
as Horst Dassler
as Annette Rimet
as Linda
as Carl Hirschmann
as Vize
as Francesca Guillermod
as Henri Delaunay
as Lord Kinnaird
as Enrique Buero
as Sir Stanley Rous
as Larsen
as Edgar Willcox
as Werner Lutzi
as Ivo Schricker
as Louis Muhlinghaus
as The Newspaper Seller
as Rodolpe Seeldrayers
as Nurse
as Frederick Wall
as Robert Guérin
as Ludvig Sylow
as Abel Lafleur
as Max Kahn
as Victor Schneider
as Reporter
as Reporter
as André Espir
as Mr. Brown
as Corinne Blatter
as Ottorino Barassi
as Moussa Sougou
as Uruguay Representative
as Belgian Football Player
as African diplomat
as Journalist
as Colleague
as Roque Máspoli
as Secretary Martina
as Waiter
as FIFA Committee Member
as Norvegian Representative
as Photographer
as Football player (London University)
as Supporter
as Football Player Brazil
as Comission Member
as Comission Member
as Messenger boy
as Boat Photographer
as Football Player Uruguay (uncredited)
as Soldier (uncredited)
as Walker (uncredited)
as (uncredited)
as Delegate (uncredited)