Rick (Rutger Hauer), a disaffected sailor turned hard drinking womanizer, returns home from six months at sea to find his wife (Corrigan), whom he was deeply in love, has unexpectedly left him and is now a junkie whore. Devastated, he tries to ease his pain with booze and cheap thrills. His wife's best friend (Dagmar Lassander) makes a move on him, and when he spurns her (after scewing her first, naturally) she plots her revenge. She does so in an ingenious way, by exploiting a fantasy woman of his, but her plan backfires with tragic consequences.
as Rick
as Doreen
as Elke
as Ricks Vater
as Bobby
as Moni
as Rickys ehemalige Freundin
as Zuhälter
as Sara
as Aktmodell (uncredited)
as Mann in Kneipe (uncredited)
as Prostituierte (uncredited)