Ogden Confer is a community college student living with his parents and dealing with the recent loss of his best pal, Rose, when he foils the suicide effort of a mysterious young lady, Beth, who proceeds to make him pay for not minding his own business.
as Ogden
as Rose
as Beth
as Hate Crime John
as Missy Blancmange
as Brumisch
as Mr. Confer
as Mrs. Confer
as Grandma Confer
as Mrs. Blancmange
as Mr. Blancmange
as Roadcap
as Roz
as Ray Ferzonki
as Mrs. Podgorney
as Judy
as Luna
as Cosmo
as DeGunion
as Officer Plamondon
as Wanda
as Pillsbury
as Fenwick
as Peaches
as Griswold Peter Kaiser Bergsrud (voice)