Arthur loses his fortune for staying with Linda, right as the two were preparing to adopt a child. As their marriage suffers, Arthur plans for a way to get his money back, but first he must sober up and get a real job.
as Arthur Bach
as Linda Marolla Bach
as Hobson
as Martha Bach
as Burt Johnson
as Fairchild
as Susan Johnson
as Mrs. Canby
as Mr. Butterworth
as Bitterman
as Ralph Marolla
as Stanford Bach
as Millionaire
as Bartender
as Maitre D'
as Bald Executive
as Gallery Customer
as Saleswoman
as Ship Steward
as Troy
as Greta
as Decorator
as Housekeeper Husband
as Housekeeper Wife
as Cindy
as Diner Customer
as Diner Customer
as Diner Customer
as Diner Customer
as Building Superintendent
as Hank
as Hardware Store Customer #1
as Hardware Store Customer #2
as Drunk #1
as Drunk #2
as Seedy Bartender
as Teenager
as Cabdriver
as Policeman
as Doorman
as Bum
as Man in Shadows
as Man in Alley
as Johnson Guard
as Boardmember #1
as Boardmember #2
as Debutante