A man embarks on a quest to make peace between two families fighting over the water problem in their district. In a bid to solve this crisis, he agrees to marry a girl from the rival family.
as Indra Sena Reddy / Shankar Narayan
as Pallavi Bhansal
as Sneha Latha Reddy
as Veera Shankara Reddy
as Giri
as Pandit
as Indrasen's Mother
as Valmiki
as Governor Chenna Kesava Reddy
as Gangaram
as Bachu Peda Pitchiah
as Shaukhat Ali Khan
as Subba Rayudu
as Bamma
as Superintendent of Police
as Kidnapper
as Indrasena's brother-in-law
as Veer Shiva Reddy