In 1946, just after World War 2, bandits rule the countryside of Siam. The notorious Bai rises to become the king of bandits and police chief Yodying has been ordered to apprehend Bai dead or alive.
as Bai / Rewat
as Captain Yod-Ying
as Yod
as Pao
as Lieutenant Manoch
as Pilaiwan
as Doctor Kiat
as Niwat
as Sun
as Burong
as Bai's Father
as Muay
as Jerd
as Cherd
as Pratuang
as Oui
as Director General of the Police Department
as Lieutenant Prasit
as Lieutenant Sathan
as Sanit
as Chumnan
as Phew
as Choi
as Kob
as Pad
as Kosin
as Captain Att
as Lieutenant Somyos
as Bua
as Krathin
as Rathree
as Buapan